Finka, United Farms

With three greenhouse locations, covering a surface area of nearly 74 acres and employing about 500 people, it isn't easy keeping track of everyone's activities



With three greenhouse locations, covering a surface area of nearly 74 acres and employing about 500 people, it isn't easy keeping track of everyone's activities. The aim of United Farms is to operate their business with as few people as possible. At the same time, they want to maximize the income of their workforce. This requires each worker's performance to be tracked and monitored, so workers can be deployed more efficiently and everyone gets paid fairly. To maximize efficiency and productivity, United Farms also encourage healthy competition among the workers by comparing performance results.


United Farms were already using HortiMaX technology in a number of areas: climate and energy control, irrigation, and water disinfection. The addition of the HortiMaX Productive Labor and Management software has allowed them to keep track of worker performance in each greenhouse and compare the greenhouses with one another. The customer saw that Productive was a flexible solution that could be adapted to their particular needs. Through close collaboration with HortiMaX, the software was further customized for the Mexican market so it fit their requirements like a glove.


Although Productive is a simple concept, it does take commitment to implement effectively. United Farms put a lot of time and effort into making sure that the system was set up correctly and that workers knew how to use it. Workers now accurately record their activities, which has made wage payments reliable and fair. This has created a better understanding of how much time workers are spending on the various tasks, enabling the customer to schedule and deploy their workforce more effectively. It has also allowed United Farms to locate bottlenecks in their operational processes. Problems are now identified and resolved much faster. The defined periodic reports have played a key role in this improvement.

Contact met

Contact: Ridder
Type of crop: Tomatoes and cucumbers
Glass house size: 30 ha. (74 ac.)
City: Queretaro AgroPark, Mexico

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